Monday, April 14, 2008

Final project ideas

For this week etivity we are suppose to think of the one cultural field we would like to compare between the US and Italy.

While thinking over this, I came up with two different things I’d like to look more into and compare the two different approaches.

The first one is connected more in the academic way. Owing to my second major, pedagogy, comparative education is one of the subjects I’ll have to take next year. Therefore looking into the differences in education would be not only interesting but also quite useful. However I’d consider this option even if I didn’t have it connected with my further studies. I think the way we educate people in schools reflects very much the over-all values, habits and style of ‘doing things’ in the culture. Therefore seeing these dissimilarities might help us with understanding the other differences we come across.

My second suggestion is pointed more into my personal interests. FOOD. Food is the essential element in every culture. What we eat, how we eat, when we eat, with who we eat,… The answers to all these questions have their reason that leads towards the very center of the culture. For me this is highly interesting and I’d love to look more into it.

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