Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Isn't it DELICIOUS...?

To all of you who aren’t members of our blogging English class and accidentally ended up on my blog:

Don’t be scared and go log in to del.icio.us, it’s simply great!!

I seriously found this site wonderful. This whole concept of sharing what we find interesting on web is just so helpful. I’d call myself a bad researcher in general. Normally when I look for something online, I end up wasting hours, looking at something totally different than I first aimed for. Del.icio.us seems to prevent it all and it has already saved a lot of time for me, just in a week of using it.

Now some comments about the choices my group friends made:
I loved searching though all your choices. They will surely be of great use soon!
Here are some I liked in particular:

I liked your choice of the book review website. It seems like there is everything you need to know about new books and their authors. Thanks for looking it up for us!

The site with the proverbs and their explanations was a unique choice of all that I’ve seen on other people’s profiles. I like reading proverbs but often it takes some energy to really understand what they mean. This site does all the thinking for us☺.

It was funny when I looked at your bookmarks, because I saw some of the sites that I was also looking at when I was searching the delicious, especially the sites about writing and philosophy. Nevertheless the site with the demotivators made me day☺.

You made some good choices☺. However, the phonetics site made me most excited out of all. I took phonetics last semester and now I wish I knew about this site when I was getting ready for my exam☺. Since I had to study the proper British pronunciation, it is nice to see the American as well. Thanks for sharing☺!

The BBC site was the most interesting for me. I like their style of teaching English language with all the possible tools you can get to have fun while really learning something.

I appreciated the site about how to think and write more clearly. When I first saw it I got very excited, because I often feel like that is exactly what I need to learn. I liked how they broke the ‘instructions’ into small sections. It seems like the perfect demonstration of what they are trying to say: take small steps, be patient and you’ll get pretty far!

Great job everybody!

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