Friday, October 19, 2007

Blogs (E-tivity 2)

..uf, I just got back from very long trip around the blogosphere. I have to say that I do feel overwhelmed with information right now. There is just so much out there to explore, read and learn about. After (literary) hours of clicking from one link to another, feeling a bit lost in space, I want to show you the blogs that are pretty nice and interesting.

The first one is a blog about anthropology. You can find many interesting articles about any topic that concerns anthropology. This might sound a bit confusing due to the big variety that the field offers; however it is not. They use a very useful system of adding a ‘filed under’ and ‘tags’ section under each article. So then you can easily find the way to the blogs or articles that concern your interest. I’ve looked at the article called On the Evaluation of Language, which lead me to other Linguistic Anthropology blogs.
The design of this blog is very simple and neat. Usages of simple colors, not overwhelming readers with too many links, colors and other ‘things to click on’ at once make the blog look very well organized.

Have Fun * Do Good is the second blog to be presented. From the title you can pretty much guess what it is about. It is “a blog for people who want to make the world a better place AND have fun!", as it is explained in the bolg itself. This blog really made a great impression on me. It is also very well organized. It uses some nice techniques that I didn’t see in other blogs, like the elements ‘Blogs I read’ and ‘Podcasts I listens to’, so you can see what the author is interested in and with whom he or she works, in other words, you get more into it☺. I highly recommend this blog to anyone who is interested into human rights!

My observation about the language used in blogs is mixed. I haven’t seen a blog only using formal language, for example. I feel like the language differs from post to post and it really depends what the author writes about, to whom he addresses the message and what is his/her general aim.

1 comment:

Britt Bravo said...

Thanks for the nice review!