Saturday, March 15, 2008

Comparing the media information from different countries.

In this week’s task we are to compare approaches of medias from different countries on the topic of elections in the USA and in Italy. Because not much has happened, concerning the elections, in the last couple of days, I decided to report on the overall impression the different medias give and the coverage they provide. I have looked into the news in the two countries, which are having the elections, my home country, CZ, and the UK.

The UK (BBC)
Even though we were supposed to choose only 3 sources, I decided to choose a fourth one, which represents one of the most viewed news broadcast in Europe, the BBC, mostly to see how this media covers the elections in Italy.

When I put the Italian elections in the browser and pressed search, pretty much nothing came out. The little information, which did come out was mostly concerning Prodi’s victory in 2006. Surprisingly to me, almost no articles or videos were dealing with the situation now, just few reported on the profiles of the two candidates, Berlusconi and Veltroni.

Talking about the elections in the US, it is a different story. There is an entire page dedicated to the primaries on BBC. It leads to other various themed pages all concerning the elections and the candidates. Brief summaries are offered in the main page, which gives a good over view in what has happened in the last weeks of the political battle.

The Czech Republic (various sources: ceske noviny , EurActiv )
Surprisingly to me, the situation in the Czech media is more satisfactory then in BBC. Even though I checked more then one source, I managed to get some over all introductions to the Italian problem. The news do not report in the same portion as they report about the election in the US, but at least those who are interested, can find some information about this issue.

Again, as in BBC, the situation dealing with the elections in the USA is incomparable. There are many sites trying to explain the entire system of the elections, introduce candidates and report on the current situation and the latest news.

The USA (NY Times)

NY Times seem to give a good over all introductions to the elections in Italy. Of course, any American periodic has been busy with reporting about their own elections, but from papers like NY Times, it is expected to give at least some information about the situation in other countries, which it with no doubt does.

Italy (Il Giornale )

As well as in the USA, of course, Italian medias seem to be more concentrated on the situation in their own country. Nevertheless, they are still far ahead of the USA news about the situation concerning other countries’ elections. As well as the British or Czech, they provide with overall information and daily update on the US primaries.

Differences are obvious in the coverage of the news. All of the medias I looked at are reporting about the US elections. The elections in Italy seem to be less important in the bigger picture of the international news. This fact might be disappointing, but understandable with the everyday overdose with news from all over the world.

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