Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Italian Gestures...:)

Here is the video that I wrote abou in my post. Tell me if you really use these gestures..:)!

ciao, Nina


Eleonora said...

Hi Nina!

Thanks for posting the video, it might be useful for us as well :-)
Yes, the gestures the guy shows are pretty widespread among Italians...I am familiar with all of them, although I would not use all of them myself.
Some of them are a bit rude careful! Do not use them in front of people you do not know well since they may get quite angry ;-)


Alesssia L. said...

Hi Nina!

The video is simply awesome but...the worst is that it is embarassing TRUE!And I have to confess that I unconsciously use some of the gestures myself (I won't tell you which is tooooo embarassing)!!!

Anyway, as Eleonora said, pay attention to almost all of them if you're not among your own may sound a bit rude...

Thank you for putting the video!:-)



Anna said...

Hi Nina!
Great video! I've never realized how much we (Italians) use gestures till I went abroad. For me it's something natural and it happens to me to surprise people using such signs, as they couldn't understand what they mean! Sometimes it has been really hilarious! I even taught some of them to a Pakistani friend of mine and it is soooo funny when he uses them!!! ;-D
As Eleonora pointed out, be careful using them, as some of them can make you appear very very rude!

Sarah said...

Nina - I couldn't resist commenting: if only I'd seen it before I came!!! The way Italians use gestures is one of the fundamental aspects of learning how to communicate here. This video is perfect. Hats off to the man who did it and the teacher who showed it to you.
Yes, before using them, you should fully understand how and when and in what context Italians use them but being able to understand them is half the process!
