Wednesday, October 17, 2007

picture that represents me (E-tivity 1)

Hello to everybody,

Even though Sarah said that all of you already know each other, there is always an exception. Well this time it would be me. I am an Erasmus student here in Padova and I will stay for this whole academic year. I suppose you wonder where I am from. I was born in Prague, CZ and have lived there for most of my life.

The picture I chose is supposed to represent my passion for traveling. Being a student it usually ends up just like in the picture..:)

I was thinking of some websites that could be useful for you but most of the ones I browse through are in Czech (sorry). Anyways being in Italy with very little knowledge of the Italian language I found this smart website, where you can translate anything in whatever language.
As a student of linguistics I have to stress the fact that the translation is rather rough, so don’t get too excited! It is great though when you want to know at least the idea of what the text you are looking at is talking about.

The second wesite that I use very often and you might be interested in is the The prices are simply amazing and you can get pretty much all over Europe!

If you'd like to meet other Erasmus students check out the Erasmus association in Padova . There are lot of activities organized for erasmus students which you can join as well and get to know people from all around Europe.

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